TERFs/Transmeds/Febfems/“MAPS”/Racists/Other Freaks DNI

About Me

Hi! You can call me Bob, I’m a bisexualgender dyke who uses he or she pronouns. I am also mixed(ᏣᎳᎩ, mestizo, white) and prioritize the comfort of POC on my blog. This account is discourse centric, I believe that the existence of pansexuality is actively damaging to bisexual history and the community at large. Pansexuality makes room for itself by redefining bisexuality into stereotypes, such as being attracted to bodies rather than personalities, or as a label less inclusive than itself, exemplified by the widespread misconception that bisexuals are unable to be attracted to non-binary people. By sharing bisexual history, we are able to combat this misinformation.

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• Bisexuality has always meant attraction regardless of gender.
• There is no real distinction that separates pansexuality from bisexuality. The argument that pansexuals are “genderblind” while bisexuals consider gender reinforces the “hearts not parts” argument.
• Non-binary people exist. Transmeds are transphobic.
• Bisexual WLW are allowed to reclaim dyke and use butch/femme, in fact, all LGBT people can use butch/femme.
• Anyone of any gender and sexuality is allowed to use any set of pronouns they want.
• Q*eer is a slur and I will tag it as such. Identifying with it doesn’t make it not one, just as identifying as a dyke doesn’t mean I can refer to all wlw as the dyke community.
• Straight-passing privilege does not exist, stop trying to say bisexuals have a proximity towards heterosexuality.

( Made with Carrd )